Katriel's Life Steps Part 9: México


"Discovering the authentic flavors of Mexico." 

An exclusive interview with Chef Katriel Menendez, who traveled and explored Mexican gastronomy first hand.

Join us in reading this exciting blog, in which our Chef Katriel Menendez tells us about his trip to Mexico. Who doesn't like this country? If it's not for the food, it's for the scenery, or because it sounds like a "vacation", right? And the experience of a chef in this incredible place, makes us discover things we didn't know about Mexican gastronomy.
Let's discover together!

When did you make the trip to Mexico and why?

  • I traveled to Mexico in the year 2021. I decided to visit this beautiful country for a very special reason: to see a friend who had become a father and share that important moment in his life. It was easy to determine because it is geographically close to the United States and I had a few days off to travel.  

  • However, I took this opportunity to combine my personal visit with my passion for gastronomy. As a chef and owner of Argentine Chef, I am always on the lookout for new culinary inspirations and authentic flavors. Mexico is known for its vibrant and delicious cuisine, and I was curious to discover the true taste of Mexican food, beyond the stereotypical spiciness. Admittedly, in the past, I had not enjoyed spicy dishes much, as I preferred to avoid that burning sensation in my mouth. However, I was aware that spice is a fundamental part of Mexican cuisine and that for many Mexicans, it is synonymous with flavor.

You were telling us that you were not a fan of spicy food, did your perception of it change after your trip to Mexico?

  • I traveled to Merida, Province of Yucatan, which is located next to the Cenotes. It is a super attractive place, where the meteorite that killed all the dinosaurs hit. And the cenotes are the impact of the smaller meteorites. These, for those who do not know, are small pools connected to the sea, and the water is turquoise and beautiful. 

  • We went to visit the Mayan cuisine, which is typical of this place. The truth is that I was fascinated by the way they use spices, especially peppers, which are abundant due to the warm climate. This abundance of chili peppers has influenced their culture and cuisine in a significant way.

  • In Mexico, it's not so much about eating spicy, it's about consuming chiles. I observed how they process them to create sauces and condiments that are used in various dishes. Unlike how they tend to compete in other places by showing who can handle the most spice, here it's more about using the chile to bring out the flavors of the food.

  • As for my perception of spiciness, I must say that my experience in Mexico allowed me to appreciate its use in gastronomy in a different way. I learned to value the diversity of flavors that chiles can bring to a dish without necessarily looking for an extreme level of spiciness. I realized that it is not simply a challenge of tolerance, but a tool to enhance and complement the flavors of food. And this completely transformed my vision.

It's good to know that you were able to see for yourself that spice has another function than just putting up with it. What else did you find curious or what information could you give us about Mexico?

  • A lot! During my stay in Mexico, I had the opportunity to learn many interesting facts. One aspect that surprised me was the importance of corn in Mexican cuisine. Due to the lack of wheat in the region, this ingredient becomes the base for many preparations. Corn tortillas are a fundamental part of Mexican cuisine and are cooked on a comal, a kind of griddle used to roast the tortillas over a flame. In the kitchens of Mayan homes, it is common to find an outdoor comal where various foods are prepared.

  • I discovered that each region has its own distinctive products and ingredients. For example, there was a migration of Lebanese who introduced the mixture of bread and corn in the preparation of tortillas. This resulted in the creation of wheat tortillas, which are used to make tacos and as we know, became an important part of Mexican cuisine.

  • A memorable experience was interacting with the Mayans, who speak their own language instead of Spanish. Although I did not understand their dialect at first, I always found people willing to communicate in Spanish and share their knowledge. I was impressed by the passion and pride they showed for their products, and they presented me with exquisite fruits such as melons, caimitos (a kind of mango-like fruit with purple flesh), bananas of various sizes, mangos, and cacao.


Did you observe any Mexican cooking techniques?

  • Yes, I was impressed by how they used simple tools such as two stones, a table and a rolling pin to make purees, process pastas and marinate meat. I also witnessed how they deboned a pig and made cuts of meat. The use of a mortar and pestle for pounding is fundamental to their cooking. These rustic traditions revealed their deep connection to Mexican culinary history and how they influence the flavors and preparations of their dishes.

Would you recommend Mexico to our readers?

  • Totally recommended, it was a unique experience for me to visit Mexico for the first time. I loved the people. Super friendly and willing to help at all times. The attention and service is exceptional, as they are used to tourism. We explored a beautiful beach on the Gulf of Mexico, although the water was a bit cold for swimming, we enjoyed delicious seafood, shrimp and a refreshing beer. 

  • I am looking forward to returning and exploring the mountains and the Pacific side, where they say the marine life is even richer and offers exciting diving opportunities. Although time was limited, we enjoyed it as much as we could. 

  • In summary, Mexico exceeded my expectations in every way. From the friendliness of the people to the irresistible flavors of the cuisine and the beautiful scenery, it is a destination I would definitely recommend exploring. I can't wait to return and discover more of its culinary and natural wonders.


This interview has given us a fascinating insight into Katriel Menendez's passion and curiosity for discovering the gastronomy of different countries. His experiences in Mexico have broadened his culinary perspective and provided us with valuable information. We look forward to following his journey through the weekly blogs on the Argentine Chef website, where we are sure to find more exciting stories and delicious recipes to enjoy.




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